Linked In

I wanted to share with you some of my favourite links that I’ve come across on the Internet in the last week:


1. What makes a home happy? Hint: It’s not designer furniture or immaculate carpets… (


2. I’ve discovered a great website for furniture and home inspiration: I want this chair for the desk in my bedroom.


3. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Read this article to find out. I think I’m a sociable introvert (if there is such a thing?) who prefers one-to-ones and smaller groups. I get quite shy at larger gatherings and absolutely loathe networking.


4. Emails and texts are great but sometimes only proper stationery will do and you can’t go wrong with classic Smythson of Bond Street.


5. Check out the best new nail polishes for Fall. Which one is your favourite?


6.Halloween is fast approaching and I can’t wait to get our box of decorations and costumes down from the loft. Here are some great tips for decorating your house.


7. Turn your Instagram photos into fridge magnets at Stickygram. They cost $14.99 per sheet of 9 and shipping is free worldwide. I just ordered two sheets today so will let you know what I think when they arrive.


8. If, like me, you struggle to keep on top of all the clutter that mysteriously accumulates in the house, Oprah’s ‘organizational guru’ Peter Walsh has some very useful strategies to get you on the right track.

12 thoughts on “Linked In

    • I wish I was more of an extrovert sometimes, it would make socialising at big events that bit easier. It’s funny, I look at my own boys and one is definitely an extrovert and the other an introvert. I think it’s too early to tell with the 3year old, she seems to flip between the two. X

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